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ripples and ruptures

2023 - 2024

Mixed media / Watercolour, Pencil and Pen


Wounds, cuts, bruises and scars emerge, expressing a sense of a “rupture”, a mark and remnant. Wounds cannot be left concealed or buried; they need to surface, be seen, given care, and tended to, for new skin to form, graft and heal.

Rhythms of rupture, repair, and restoration, are intrinsic to the natural world and to our lived experience as human beings. 


In psychodynamic theory, we are reminded that our unconscious thoughts, images and feelings are seeking expression, and need to be allowed to surface for healing to begin. In this chapter in my life, I am trying to allow the cuts and ruptures to emerge, break and leak, embracing the vulnerability and brokenness that may come with these feelings.

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